10 Solid Methods for Increasing Email Open Rates

Email marketing has been around for so long that it’s difficult to envision the digital advertising business without it.

If you’d like to know how to increase email open rates effectively, you’ll need to use a variety of approaches and think imaginatively, which is what this article is all about.

Monitoring your email open rates might provide you with some insight into the success of your email marketing campaigns. This measure is a wonderful indicator of the success of your campaign since there are many opportunities for companies to make errors when sending out digital messaging that may significantly lower these rates.

Here is a list of tried-and-true techniques to boost your email open rates in a few days. Implement these tips, and we guarantee you’ll notice an instant boost in your open rates.

What Does Email Open Rates Mean?

Email open rates compare the number of subscribers who open a particular email you send to the total number of subscribers on your mailing list.

Let’s pretend your email list has 100 people on it. Your email open rate is 70% if, on average, 70 out of 100 of your subscribers read your messages.

Divide the number of recipients who viewed your email by the total number of recipients to get your email open rate. Then increase that number by 100%.

10 Easy Ways to Improve Email Open Rates

Create an organic email list.

The value of an email list depends more on its quality than its size. To jumpstart marketing efforts, businesses that purchase a considerable quantity of leads will discover low open rates.

Offering a free trial, hosting a contest in return for an email address, or providing a simple subscribing method are vastly superior list-building methods.

Using a reliable popup builder, you make it as simple as possible for site visitors to join your email list by displaying eye-catching, personalized popups.

Keep your list fresh.

Remember to update and delete inactive subscribers from your email list. You can email those who have not participated in the prior six months. You may assess the likelihood of re-engagement and remove them from your list.

Also, if you want to maintain a fresh list, you need to examine your subscribers periodically to see if they are active.

You may do this by requesting that they change their choices and information. It would be ideal if customers felt at ease with their preferences and how they interact with your organization.

Segment your list 

Recipients open emails depending on whether or not they believe the message will be valuable to them. If you’re like most people, you only click on helpful emails.

You may provide this to your consumers if you segment your email list. The following table provides more justification for list segmentation through email.

To begin the segmentation process, you may tag your subscribers according to their actions and interests.

Organizing your emails into categories might help you reach your audience more effectively. Additionally, it is usually a good idea to manage your continuing emails according to demographics such as age or area.

If you have a firm grasp on your target demographic, decisions like email subject lines and message content will quickly fall into place.

Avoid Spam Filters

Email marketing presents several challenges, one of which is the possibility that customers would file your messages in their spam folders.

In this case, you should have a good IP address, email service, clean template code and a verified domain.

Put an easy-to-find unsubscribe link in the email’s footer and tweak it until it works perfectly.

Do not send unsolicited emails; only those who have explicitly requested them should get them. Follow that up by including merge tags into your emails for a more customized feel. Once you’ve earned your customers’ confidence, you may approach the subject of being included in their contact list.

Spamming trigger phrases will get you barred by spam filters and is thus to be avoided. Lastly, be sure to specify where you are while emailing. 

Make an A/B Test

A/B testing allows you to assess your campaign’s performance in several metrics. For example, it is crucial to determine if email subject lines containing numbers improve or decrease your email opening rate.

Alternatively, you may do a split test to determine the perceptions of emojis. It all depends on your desires and expectations. Determine what you want to study and conduct an A/B test to improve open email rates.

Decide on content and timing.

Once you have your objectives in mind, calculate the number of messages you need to send to accomplish them. Constrain your content by deciding what you want to say and to whom in your emails. Next, schedule your emails and establish a rhythm.

A three-part series to welcome new subscribers is a simple starting point. First emails to new subscribers should be sent between one to 48 hours after signup, depending on how they were added to your email list. 

Use double opt-in

Maintaining a high-quality contact list may be facilitated by verifying email addresses by requesting confirmation from the recipient. You may also categorize users depending on whether or not they verified their email addresses.

By requiring a second confirmation step before someone is added to your email list, you can guarantee that only those interested in receiving your emails will sign up for them.

Optimize the subject line for mobile users.

Depending on your demographic, product, and email format, anywhere from 26% to 78% of your emails will be opened on a mobile device. 

However, you should also examine your subscriber data to learn more about the devices that your readers prefer while engaging with your emails.

Due to the inherent limitations of mobile device displays, fewer characters can be shown on these screens than on desktop computers. If you want your subject line to appear well on mobile devices, MailChimp suggests keeping it to no more than 60 characters and 9 words.

Be relevant and always provide value.

Providing customers with something of value is essential if you want them to develop an emotional attachment to your brand and continue buying from you over time.

Subscribers may not always make direct purchases, but they may help you expand your customer base by recommending your products to their friends and family.

Each preheader and subject line you design must convince the reader that opening your email will be a worthwhile investment of their time. With the help of professional web design tools, you can create sophisticated designs that allow for spectacular visuals.

Decide the best time to send an email.

Timing is a significant factor that can significantly impact your email open rates.

Several factors, including your target audience’s geography and demography, holidays, email type, and more, usually decide the best time to send an email. 

For example, if your target audience is students, the best time would be in the evening or weekend as these people are most active. Knowing their time zone is essential if your target users are across different countries.

There are different ways to find the timings; one of the most common is to A/B test your timings. Send an email at different times and analyze the results for each version.

Besides, you can also look into your subscriber’s past behaviour using analytics and assess the activity level on different days and times.

Final Thoughts

Every company is distinctive and valued. Creating strategies to discover the most suitable option for your company would be best.

I hope this article provides you with as much information as possible on the major turning points in email marketing, specifically about open rates for emails. Nothing is standing in the way of your professional advancement so long as you have the mindset that you want to be successful.

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